One click on any search engine will let you know how many herbal healing options are available for a disease like fibromyalgia. It is necessary for diseases like this to have treatments in alternative medical practices as alopathy has no cure for this condition.
Ayurveda offers a wide range of home remedies that can prove to be extremely effective. Most of these medicines work not only for fibromyalgia, but also for arthritis and other types of joint aches.
Two portions of lemon juice taken with one portion of honey with an adequate amount of water is said to be extremely beneficial for treating the condition. Other tips include the consumption of the juice of Bathua (a kind of spinach found in India) leaves, turmeric powder with hot water, apple cider juice with warm water and honey, clove and garlic amongst many. Experience says that alternative forms of medication along with alternative therapies often work where modern medicine and science give up hope.
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Local civilizations living by the Amazon basin has been for long using these forms of medication. These maladies of modern times perhaps have their solution in the long forgotten traditions of the past.
The best thing about the herbal mode of treatment is the fact that very few side effects occur and the few that might occur are temporary in nature. One does not need to worry about a medicine not agreeing with one$%:s body.
As fibromyalgia is an extremely individualized disease, herbal medication becomes even better suited for the disease. Herbal medicine, especially Ayurveda, has medicines according to the individual bodily requirements of patients.
The only thing that may be slightly problematic is the fact that herbal medicine may focus more on providing relief from pain while ignoring the emotional baggage that comes with it.