
For some reason it seems that from time to time many people have a tendency to neglect different parts of the body when they are trying to gain muscle. In a sense people sort of play favorites with their own body. One person may just love their chest workout day, but dread their leg day, or vice versa. Whatever the situation may be, it's very important if you're planning on developing a good physique to give attention to all the main body parts. In other words, you want to gain muscle all over your body in a balanced fashion, not in unequal proportions.

Most of us are prone to this type of problem from time to time. For example, we start to see some good development in our chest, so we start to favor that workout over others that we perform during the week. It sort of becomes the highlight of our week. But, if you aren't careful, you could end up missing out on some even better gains because you've let other workouts slide.

Have you ever been at the gym, beach, pool, or anywhere and seen someone that looks like they have a rather good physique, but then you notice that their legs are really small$%: This is a perfect example of someone who has probably been working out properly on their upper body, but has been constantly neglecting their leg workouts. This person has been playing favorites, and over time it shows! Not only that, but the longer a person goes without correcting the problem it will either hold back their overall development (the body likes to try and stay balanced) or they will be completely off balance and have a big upper body but chicken legs. Obviously, this is not an optimal physique.

Here are some ideas to help correct this problem:

Don't play favorites!

Think of your body as a whole, not as your favorite body parts and less favorite body parts. This is a recipe for disaster since we all tend to procrastinate the things we don't like as much. Work to develop your whole body in a uniform fashion.

Strategically plan your time.

If you find that you really don't like doing your leg workouts, don't plan them on the day that you are most likely to miss your workout. Instead, put your "favorite" part on one of those days because you'll be more likely to make sure you have that workout. Put that less favorite body part on the day that you have no excuse to miss instead. But again, you shouldn't be playing favorites!

Get an honest friend's opinion from time to time.

Grab your wife, training partner, brother, or someone else that you trust have them be honest with you in your development. And don't take it too personally -- just take it as another person's eyes to help you improve what you're doing!

Go for balance. Go for a whole body transformation. In then end you'll be a lot more proud of the physique that you've developed because it will actually look like a winning physique.

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